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Hispasat 30W-5 (30.0°W) Transponder 116

Orbital position Satellite Norad .ini News channels Free To Air only Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation Last updated
30.0°W Hispasat 30W-5 37264 319 50 29.99°W -0.01° 0.01° N/A N/A 2025-01-12 17:06
30.0°W Hispasat 30W-6 43228 31 31 30.01°W 0.02° 0.04° N/A N/A 2024-03-16 19:02

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41 record(s) - Sorted by frequency - Most recent updates: CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
30.0°W 41Hispasat 30W-5 12399.00H116EuropeDVB-S28PSK27500 3/4TV Cabo Satelite, 59.9 Mb/s 5439 KingOfSat charts update form
AXN Movies HD Movies Nos Nagravision 3 401 4112 4113 eng  817  4112    2023-04-01 +
24 Kitchen HD Cooking Nos Nagravision 3 402 4128 4129 por  817  4128    2023-04-01 +
STAR Crime HD Portugal Entertainment Nos Nagravision 3 403 7664 7665 aac eng  817  7664    2024-02-08 +
Travel Channel HD Travel Nos Nagravision 3 405 4224 4225 aac eng  817  4224    2023-04-01 +
AXN White HD Entertainment Nos Nagravision 3 406 4304 4305 por  817  4304    2023-04-01 +
Eurosport 1 HD Sport Nos Nagravision 3 409 4160 4177 por  817  4160    2023-04-01 +
Star Life HD Portugal Entertainment Nos Nagravision 3 410 4165 4166 aac eng  817  4165    2024-02-07 +
Investigation Discovery Portugal Documentaries Nos Nagravision 3 459 6459 6460 por  817  6459    2023-04-01 +
Sport TV NBA Sport Nos Nagravision 3 462 4150 4151 eng  817  4150    2023-04-01 +
NatGeo Wild HD Spain Documentaries Nos Nagravision 3 463 5121 5122 por  817  5121    2023-04-01 +
Neuzamcen 464 5137 5138 eng  817  5137    2023-04-01
DAZN 1 Portugal Sport Nos Nagravision 3 521 7456 7457 aac por  817  7456    2024-07-04 +
DAZN 4 Portugal Sport Nos Nagravision 3 523 7458 7459 aac por  817  7458    2024-07-04 +
DAZN 5 Portugal Sport Nos Nagravision 3 524 7460 7461 aac por  817  7460    2024-07-04 +
TV Cine Emotion HD Movies Nos Nagravision 3 1602 7728 7729 por  817  7728    2023-04-01 +
Casa e Cozinha HD Cooking Nos Nagravision 3 1609 7712 7713 aac por  817  7712    2023-04-01 +
TV Cine Edition HD Movies Nos Nagravision 3 1610 7680 7681 por  817  7680    2023-04-01 +
DAZN 2 Portugal Sport Nos Nagravision 3 3901 6500 6501 aac por  817  6500    2024-07-04 +
DAZN 3 Portugal Sport Nos Nagravision 3 3902 6502 6503 aac por  817  6502    2024-07-04 +
DAZN 6 Portugal Sport Nos Nagravision 3 3903 6504 6505 aac por  817  6504    2024-07-04 +
SIC Kids Children Nos Nagravision 3 3904 6506 6507 aac por  817  6506    2023-04-01 +
AXN Movies HD Nagravision 3 5030 4112 4113 aac eng  817  4112    2024-01-05
AXN White HD Entertainment Meo Nagravision 3 5033 4304 4305 eng  817  4304    2023-04-01 +
Eurosport 1 HD Sport Meo Nagravision 3 5034 4160 4177 aac por
4180 aac eng 
817  4160    2023-10-07 +
STAR Crime HD Portugal Entertainment Meo Nagravision 3 5036 7664 7665 aac eng  817  7664    2024-02-07 +
24 Kitchen HD Cooking Meo Nagravision 3 5037 4128 4129 eng  817  4128    2023-04-01 +
DAZN 1 HD Nagravision 3 5038 7456 7457 aac por  817  7456    2024-07-04
Nagravision 3 5039 7456 7457 aac por  817  7456    2023-10-07
DAZN 4 Nagravision 3 5040 7458 7459 aac por  817  7458    2024-07-04
DAZN 5 Nagravision 3 5041 7460 7461 aac por  817  7460    2024-07-04
ID Investigation Discovery Nagravision 3 5043 6459 6460 por  817  6459    2023-04-01
Nagravision 3 6038 4150 4151 eng  817  4150    2023-04-01
Nagravision 3 6039 7680 7681 eng  817  7680    2023-04-01
Nagravision 3 6040 7728 7729 eng  817  7728    2023-04-01
National Geographic Wild Nagravision 3 6041 5121 5122 eng  817  5121    2023-04-01
Trace Urban
Music Nagravision 3 6042 5137 5138 eng  817  5137    2023-04-01 +
Casa e Cozinha HD Cooking Nagravision 3 6072 7712 7713 por  817  7712    2023-04-01 +
DAZN 2 HD Nagravision 3 6073 6500 6501 aac por  817  6500    2024-07-04
DAZN 3 Nagravision 3 6074 6502 6503 aac por  817  6502    2024-07-04
DAZN 6 Nagravision 3 6075 6504 6505 aac por  817  6504    2024-07-04
SIC Kids Children Nagravision 3 6076 6506 6507 aac por  817  6506    2023-04-01 +

Detailed transponder stream properties (12399.00 H)

SID Ident. PID Format Colorimetry Width Height Aspect Ratio Frame rate
Sampling rate
Bitrate mode Bitrate Scan type Last updated
401 4112 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-02-08
401 4113 AAC 2025-02-08
405 4224 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-02-08
405 4225 AAC 2025-02-08
406 4304 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-02-08
406 4305 AAC 2025-02-08
409 4160 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-02-08
409 4177 AAC 2025-02-08
409 4180 AAC 2025-02-08
410 4165 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-02-08
410 4166 AAC 2025-02-08
5036 7664 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-02-08
5036 7665 AAC 2025-02-08
5037 4128 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-02-08
5037 4129 AAC 2025-02-08
5038 7456 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-02-08
5038 7457 AAC 2025-02-08
5040 7458 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-02-08
5040 7459 AAC 2025-02-08
5041 7460 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-02-08
5041 7461 AAC 2025-02-08
5043 6459 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-02-08
5043 6460 AAC 2025-02-08
6038 4150 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-02-08
6038 4151 AAC 2025-02-08
6039 7680 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-02-08
6039 7681 AAC 2025-02-08
6040 7728 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-02-08
6040 7729 AAC 2025-02-08
6041 5121 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-02-08
6041 5122 AAC 2025-02-08
6042 5137 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-02-08
6042 5138 AAC 2025-02-08
6072 7712 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-02-08
6072 7713 AAC 2025-02-08
6073 6500 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-02-08
6073 6501 AAC 2025-02-08
6074 6502 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-02-08
6074 6503 AAC 2025-02-08
6075 6504 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-02-08
6075 6505 AAC 2025-02-08
6076 6506 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-02-08
6076 6507 AAC 2025-02-08

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